I want to congratulate Henry Weinberg for putting together a fabulous Joint Veteran’s Memorial Service at our community’s cemeteries. Our service was very inspiring and led by Adam Schneider and featured guest speaker Reverend Paul Johnson. The honor roll of interred veterans was also acknowledged. From the Civil War to the Vietnam War, Agudath Achim Congregation and Temple Beth Israel members have a long and proud tradition of military service, and there are 109 members of AAC and 59 members of TBI on our interred veterans honor roll.
In fact, Jewish participation in the US Military has been significant throughout the history of our country. During World War I and II, the percentage of American Jews exceeded the percentage of the general population that served in our military forces. I have included some links to Jewish participation in the military in the Jewish Holiday Links area. Please check it out and have a joyous Memorial Day weekend.
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