Smiles, families, spirituality, pride, fellowship and community, and of course, food, were everywhere at Temple Beth last week. The occasion was the Altoona Jewish Community Sunday School confirmation. Our seven confirmands from TBI and AAC stood together in front of their families, friends, the entire Sunday School and the Jewish community to celebrate the confirmation of their Jewish faith and Jewish studies. Our second consecutive combined confirmation for TBI and AAC was spiritual and meaningful from our Rabbi and Hazzan as well as our confirmands. I congratulate Rabbi Luna, Hazzan Horowitz and the Sunday School leadership for their foresight and hard work in planning this program. The program also featured, our Principal, Illisa Zimmerman, who gave an inspiring keynote address. Click here to go to the Sunday School web page to find a link to her comments and Confirmation pictures in our photo gallery.
I hope we will continue to find ways to celebrate as a community and I hope we can continue to find the wisdom to see the spirituality and strength that collaboration and commonality can provide.
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