September 22, 2013

To Struggle

Filed under: Michael — michael @ 3:19 pm




For many weeks I have been struggling to write a blog that inspires, motivates, and educates.  Numerous attempts resulted in blank pages, and my struggles continued.  Forever it seemed like I had nothing.  However, over the high holidays my rabbi enlightened me to the fact that struggling is a human and uniquely Jewish condition.  He said it is normal to struggle with our faith, and the world in which we live.  He did not mention the struggle to blog.  Usually I have no problem offering an opinion, which also seems to be a very Jewish trait.  I thought about writing from the theme of “when Judaism touches my life,” but I like to believe that there is a sense of Judaism in my life everyday, and in everything that I do.  I like to believe that I always conduct myself with integrity and within the laws of my faith, that I have been honest in business, that I have been a good husband, father and son, and that I cherish each day, and work to make this world a better place.  Over time I have realized that small, simple acts can have a spiritual sense and a degree of holiness that honors God and makes our lives meaningful.  Small simple acts can bring joy and honor to those who give as well as those who receive.  Over the High Holidays we have a lot to think about.  The challenge is to begin to act as we continue to think, because our actions are what will be counted and judged.  L’shana Tova Tikatevu.

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